Welcome to the Manpower Slovenija portal

By visiting and using the site on the portal and on all associated pages and by visiting the service on the domain (hereinafter: the portal) it is considered that users and visitors are at all times familiar with these terms of use and that they fully understand and accept them

Portal owner: je Manpower d.o.o. Vilharjeva cesta 46, 1000 Ljubljana, DŠ: 184 171 24, MŠ: 567 411 5000.

The portal consists of all websites belonging to the Manpower group. Visitors and users of the portal must regularly read the terms of use, as they are considered to be aware of the applicable terms of use at all times when using the portal or any part of it.


Manpower and its affiliates and service providers do not take responsibility for your use of this portal, so the following stipulations apply to your use of this portal.

Please read the terms of use of the portal carefully. We advise you to print them and also save them.

Manpower has the right to change or improve the terms of use of the portal at any time, without prior notice. Manpower reserves the right to deny a user or visitor access to the portal or a specific part of the portal if it is established that the user or visitor has violated these terms of use. Manpower reserves the right to change or discontinue any content or service on the portal or part of the portal without prior notice and will not be liable for any possible consequences arising from such changes or termination.


Manpower is a registered holder or licensed user of the trademarks and owner of the logos displayed on the portal. Other product or company names published on the portal may be registered trademarks of third parties.

The user or visitor of the portal is not authorized to use the published trademarks and logos. The use of market names and trademarks displayed on the portal is explicitly prohibited without the prior written consent of the trademark holder.

All content published on the portal is protected by copyright, in accordance with the stipulations of the Copyright and Related Rights Act and other regulations relating to copyright and intellectual property. Documents, graphics, fonts, icons, design, models, software and other elements available on the portal or through the portal are owned by Manpower and affiliated companies and as such are protected by laws and regulations of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union. Pursuant to Article 9 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act, official texts in the field of legislation, administration and judiciary and other official works published for the purpose of official information to the public are not subject to copyright, although the processing and presentation of such texts are protected by copyright law. By accessing the portal, the user or visitor does not acquire the right to dispose, change, distribute or republish all or part of the published information and works on the portal without the express written consent of Manpower, affiliates or third parties holding their copyrights.


Connecting to the portal or part thereof without the explicit written consent of Manpower is prohibited. It is also forbidden to connect using techniques such as framing and mirroring of the portal, or part of it, as well as data collection - scrapping and data mining - data minning from the portal or its part in any form.

The portal contains links between the portal and other websites operated by third parties. Because Manpower cannot control the content of other sites, and the terms of use of these sites may be different from the terms herein, Manpower has no responsibility for other sites, their content and mode of operation, especially with respect to the technological security of those sites. The user or visitor must use anti-virus protection when using other sites and be familiar with the terms of use of other sites. The use of other sites is at your own risk, and the business relationship with the owners and managers of other parties is at your own risk, so that you will not have any claims against Manpower or its affiliates arising from your use of other sites and business relationships with owners. and the administrators of these sites.


The visitor or user of the portal must be aware that the transfer of data over the Internet cannot be absolutely secure. The visitor or user is responsible and must take all necessary measures for computer protection and verification of the correctness of all given data. The e-mail addresses published on the portal belong to various associations and are managed in accordance with the rules and conditions of use of these associations. If the email addresses belong to a third party, the user is advised to investigate the terms of use of these addresses, as Manpower cannot manage how they are used.


The purpose of the portal is not to provide comprehensive and detailed information regarding the issues it deals with; investment, tax, banking, accounting, legal or other professional advice or recommendations; or offers or recommendations for the sale or purchase of shares, bonds or other financial instruments or another product or service. Before making a decision to act or not to act on the information obtained on or through this portal, seek appropriate professional advice and recommendation from a qualified person. The content, information and texts published on this portal, as well as links to other websites, are for informational purposes only and do not need to be considered official. Manpower strives to provide accurate information through this portal. However, errors are not excluded. Accordingly, Manpower reserves the right to change the information available on this portal at any time without notice or liability to the visitor or user or a third party and not to be liable for errors in the information.


Manpower and its affiliates and service providers are under no circumstances liable in connection with the use or visit of the Portal to you or third parties for loss of use, reduction of production, loss of revenue or profit (expected or otherwise), market loss, economic loss, specific, accompanying , indirect or intangible losses or damages.


If you suspect that the MANPOWER company has violated the regulations in force in the Republic of Slovenia, you can report this violation to a trustee within the company (internal report) or to the competent authority for external reporting.

The trustee will ensure that the violations resulting from substantiated reports are eliminated or that future violations are prevented, and your identity will not be revealed. In case of retaliatory measures, you will receive protection as determined by the ZZPri.


You can report violations via:

  • phone number: +386 1 320 08 60
  • e-mail address: [email protected],
  • mail: MANPOWER agencija za poslovanje, d.o.o., Vilharjeva cesta 46, 1000 Ljubljana, with the note: "Personally to the confidant",
  • or you can contact the trustee in person, by prior arrangement, by phone or e-mail.

The trustee also handles anonymous applications. In this case, you will only get feedback if you indicate in the application how the confidant can contact you.

Company management may not take retaliatory measures against a reporter who reports irregularities in good faith.

Only the confidant will receive your application directly and your information is known only to the confidant. An attempt to determine the identity of the applicant and the disclosure of information about the applicant constitute an offense for which the ZZPri prescribes a fine. The content of the application, without revealing your identity, will be disclosed if necessary only to individuals who will participate in the elimination of reported violations. If anyone (management, colleagues or other persons) ascertains your identity, such behavior is a violation that you can also report to the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption.

If necessary, the trustee will issue you a certificate of application submission, if you need it in other official procedures.


If you believe that an internal report cannot be dealt with effectively or that there is a risk of retaliation in the event of an internal report, you may submit an external report to the appropriate authority. The external reporting authority will only consider your application if you explicitly state that there is a risk of retaliation and that you need protection as an applicant under the ZZPri. Even the competent external reporting authority must not reveal your identity. In order to effectively deal with the violation, the authority may also contact you or ask you to complete the application.

The authorities for external registration are:

  • Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia,
  • Securities Market Agency,
  • Slovenian Competition Protection Agency,
  • STSA - Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency,
  • Insurance Supervision Agency,
  • Agency for Public Oversight of Auditing,
  • Bank of Slovenia,
  • National Review Commission for Reviewing Public Procurement Award Procedures,
  • Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia,
  • Market Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia,
  • Office for Money Laundering Prevention of the Republic of Slovenia,
  • Information Commissioner,
  • Information Security Inspection,
  • Radiation and Nuclear Safety Inspection,
  • Inspection for protection against radiation,
  • Inspection for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection,
  • Labor Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia,
  • Public Sector Inspectorate,
  • Natural Resources and Spatial Planning Inspectorate,
  • Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the Republic of Slovenia,
  • supervisory authorities in accordance with the regulations governing the use of European cohesion policy funds in the Republic of Slovenia,
  • Health Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia,
  • Slovenian Sovereign Holding and
  • Commission for the Prevention of Corruption.