Professional and senior profiles - search and selection


For professional and senior profiles, we can proudly say we have many years of experience in recruiting personnel in various fields, such as finance, accounting, sales, marketing, administration, and other technical profiles. All operations are carried out by a team of experienced recruiters who are professionally trained and specialized in searching and conducting interviews in a particular field. 

Throughout the entire search and selection process, we aim to ensure the best match between the wishes and needs of the company and the wishes and expectations of the candidates. We take the time to fully get to know the company, working conditions, culture, and expectations of new employees and, based on this, formulate a strategy for acquiring new candidates. 

We are aware that the dynamics of the labor market have changed. In the front line are the candidates whom we must approach in a personalized way, while at the same time finding the appropriate way and channels to present the company in the best light, as a desirable employer. 

When carrying out the selection process, we pay attention to each candidate individually and conduct a thorough interview regarding previous experience and knowledge, as well as behavioral patterns, therefore we obtain all the necessary information to present the most suitable talents, while at the same time keeping you updated about the general pace of the labor market. 

Our main differentiating advantage is approaching companies and candidates. We always ensure we personally address our clients and listen to the needs and expectations of both, companies and candidates, which enables us to always create new and successful employment stories together with you. 

We cooperate very successfully with the company Manpower, especially in the search and selection of candidates for management positions in various fields. We always get excellent support and advice throughout the selection process, considering our expectations regarding the needs of the position on the one hand, in connection with the expectations of the candidates on the other. 

Tamara Gornjak, Head of Human Resources, Winoa (Recruiting and Headhunting) 

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