
HR Starter is Here Again - Be Part of Future HR Workers!

At Manpower Slovenia, in cooperation with the organization HR World Adria, we are organizing the HR Starter program for the fourth year in a row, which is intended for undergraduate and master's students at any university. HR Starter is a free online HR course that equips budding young talents with the knowledge and skills needed in the field of human resource management.

In previous years, lecturers and mentors from the most successful companies in the region participated in the project, who shared their rich experience and knowledge in the field of HR with young talents (LIDL Slovenia, Outfit 7, Hisense Gorenje Europe, Winoa Abrasiv, Microsoft, A1, Kuehne+ Nagel, Steklarna Hrastnik, Coca-Cola, NLB, Phillip Morris, Erste Bank and others).

The goal of the program is to raise students' knowledge and skills for a future HR career in modern working conditions. After completing the course, most participants continue their career path in human resource management departments and get their first internship or job shortly after the end of the project.

When and how will the program be implemented?

The project will be organized online from March 25 to May 5, 2024.

What can you expect from the program?

It is an online course consisting of 30+ HR lessons from real HR experts from many companies.

The project additionally includes:

  • HR professionals as mentors,
  • group work on HR case studies,
  • insight into the functioning of HR in many companies,
  • additional material for students (additional lessons and articles),
  • online events to meet HR experts and gain an even deeper understanding of HR in practice,
  • international experience by meeting students from other countries.

📌 All interested students can apply here:

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