
Aligning expectations - the key to satisfied employees and successful organizations

Relationships are everything, and everything is in relationships. When employed, we enter into a relationship with our employer and coworkers, which can only be satisfying and, consequently, successful if we respect each other’s unique traits, desires, needs, and expectations and strive to align them as much as possible to achieve both employees' personal goals and the organization’s common objectives. Aligning expectations is an ongoing process, not a one-time agreement upon hiring.  

The Importance and Benefits of Aligning Expectations  

Aligning expectations among employees and employers is essential for a healthy work environment, increased efficiency, and job satisfaction. When employees understand what is expected from them, and employers acknowledge their needs, mutual trust is established, creating a workplace where employees feel valued and motivated to contribute to the best of their abilities. Clear expectations reduce misunderstandings, enhancing performance. Employees perform better when their roles and expected contributions to the overall outcome are clearly defined. The same applies to the execution of individual tasks and projects. When employees' expectations are met, loyalty and commitment remain strong across generations. Conversely, unclear expectations and unfulfilled agreements lead to disengagement and high turnover rates. 

Why Is Aligning Expectations an Ongoing Process? 

Just as the environment changes, so do organizations, their strategies, goals, and structure. Accordingly, the roles of employees evolve, along with the knowledge and skills required to perform them. Employees themselves also change—their developmental and career aspirations, personal circumstances, and priorities shift over time. Continuous expectation alignment allows both parties to adapt in time, maintaining trust, fostering collaboration, and ensuring employees feel supported. Asking questions and expressing expectations reduces misunderstandings and dissatisfaction, which is usually a result of a lack of communication and differing assumptions. Aligning expectations across multiple generations presents an additional challenge but also an opportunity to adapt work practices and create flexible environments that benefit both younger and experienced employees. (1)

How to Asses and Align Expectations? 

Key factors include continuous communication, a culture of feedback, and adaptability on both sides. Ongoing communication and feedback should not be limited to periodic and annual performance interviews. Regular one-on-one meetings among employees, managers, and HR professionals provide space for discussing challenges, progress, and well-being. Transparent and timely communication about organizational and other changes in the work environment ensures employees understand their evolving roles and their position within changed circumstances. They should also be provided with opportunities to acquire additional knowledge and skills in line with evolving requirements. Employee surveys, open forums, and other feedback mechanisms help identify gaps in expectations. 

Expectations of Younger Employees 

Younger employees openly express their expectations in return for their knowledge, skills, and youthful enthusiasm. They are well aware of their options and allow themselves the freedom to change employers more frequently. In most cases, this is not due to a lack of responsibility or loyalty but rather a desire to quickly gain experience in different environments. Just as quickly and openly as they express their expectations, they also express their dissatisfaction when their expectations are not met or when they perceive the treatment as inadequate. They expect: 

  • Work-life balance, including flexible hours, remote work, and hybrid models, the possibility of taking longer and shorter absences. They want control over their time and autonomy over their way of working. Younger generations do not see work as their identity but rather as one segment of life. 
  • Rapid career advancement, continuous development, and a technologically advanced work environment. If employers provide opportunities for ongoing personal and professional growth, learning opportunities, and clear advancement paths within a reasonable timeframe, they may be surprised by what young people can achieve. They need and desire an efficient onboarding system and access to modern forms of mentorship throughout their employment, not just structured mentoring programs during the onboarding phase. Millennials and Generation Z, who grew up with technology, as well as all future generations, expect the use of digital tools, processes, and artificial intelligence that enhance efficiency and innovation. 
  • Meaningful work along with an inclusive and collaborative organizational culture. They want their work to be aligned with their personal goals and values. They seek socially responsible, sustainability-oriented, ethical, and inclusive employers. What they do and how they feel while doing it matters to them. They value diversity and look for work environments that prioritize collaboration and open communication over rigid hierarchy. They expect trust from leaders that the work will be completed effectively. 
  • Immediate feedback and fast change. Slow processes and poor communication can lead to dissatisfaction. 

Expectations of Older Employees 

The expectations of older employees are based on their extensive experience, competencies, and values. These are not in complete opposition to the values of younger employees; rather, they are usually ranked differently in terms of priority. Their expectations are also influenced by the shifting priorities in their professional and personal lives. They tend to express themselves more discreetly and with greater difficulty, usually preferring one-on-one conversations with managers and HR professionals. What do they expect? 

  • Stability, security, recognition, and respect. They value job stability and, in return, offer their loyalty and dedication. They expect recognition for their knowledge and experience, along with opportunities to share their expertise and transfer tacit and organizational knowledge. 
  • Equal treatment and opportunities for learning and development. Employees in this demographic group are perfectly adaptable and capable of embracing changes. With their experience, perspectives, and attitudes, they often influence younger colleagues to see change as an opportunity rather than a threat. After all, this is the generation that was the first to use computers and has witnessed and co-created more transformations than the younger generation, which was born into the digital world. So why wouldn't they be willing and capable of learning new things? 
  • Equal access to evolving roles within organizations, considering their preferences. This also includes retraining programs, modern forms of mentoring (reverse and mutual mentoring), and various intergenerational collaboration initiatives. Contrary to common beliefs, older employees are not merely looking for a "parking spot" until retirement; rather, they wish to—and are fully capable of—being equal members of teams. 

Employers' Expectations

Employers face the challenge of balancing various expectations while simultaneously achieving business goals. They need individuals with a growth mindset who are willing and able to learn, develop, and transfer knowledge to others. Employees who have a responsible attitude toward their work and colleagues, a sense of belonging, and the ability and willingness to work in a team. What do they expect from employees? 

  • Flexibility. Employers value employees who do not resist changes but embrace them and see them as opportunities. 
  • Commitment to results. Employers expect responsibility for achieving goals in terms of quality and time, regardless of agreed flexible work arrangements and possible absences. 
  • Collaboration. Effective teamwork and communication are crucial in today’s interconnected workplaces. 
  • Responsibility for personal development. Employers expect employees to continuously enhance their skills to remain competitive. 
  • Alignment with organizational goals. Employers want employees to share the company’s vision, actively contribute to shaping it, and support long-term success. 

In times of talent shortages, employers often become more accommodating, offering or agreeing to individualized benefits. However, in doing so, they may overlook existing team members and their own expectations for new employees. This requires mastering the balance between flexibility and maintaining the core structure necessary for effective and stable business performance. 

Conclusion - Finding Common Ground 

Aligning expectations among employees of different generations and their employers is essential for building a supportive work environment. Between the younger generation's demands for flexibility, clear purpose, and inclusion, and the older generation's need for stability and respect, employers must find creative solutions to bridge these differences. Through continuous and transparent communication and by addressing diverse expectations, organizations can create workplaces that not only attract but also retain top talent across generations. Expectations on both sides must be realistic and that adaptation is mutual. This requires dialogue and mutual understanding. Additionally, training for leaders is essential to ensure they stay informed about emerging trends and are equipped to navigate generational differences in expectations effectively. 


  1. Lampret, T., and Miloševič Zupančič, V. (2025). Mladi postavljajo delodajalcem nove izzive. Nedeljski dnevnik, 8.1.2025   

Tatjana Kolenc, Razvijalka mentorske kulture, mentorskih programov in kulture vseživljenjskega učenja, Platforma srčno mentorstvo

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