HR Starter - Klara Nemec

HR Starter program experience: An in-depth online journey into the world of HR

In today's dynamic and rapidly changing business world, human resource management has become very complex and crucial for the success of organizations. Beginners (HR Starters), newcomers or young professionals face many challenges when they bravely enter the world of human resources for the first time. The HR Starter program offers a valuable opportunity and is designed for young HR professionals to gain hands-on experience and develop key skills essential for their initial steps in human resources.

HR novices prepare for their first assignments through formal education, but the reality of the workplace often brings many unexpected challenges. Facing these challenges requires adaptability, a quick learning capacity, improving skills, solving various conflicts, strategic planning, and effective communication.

While formal education provides fundamental concepts and theoretical foundations, the reality of the workplace requires proficiency of not only technical skills, but also a high level of emotional intelligence, communication skills, daily learning, and humility. Participation in the HR Starter program enables an even deeper understanding and development of these key skills, which are essential for success in the dynamic environment of the modern business world.

The best practice examples shared by the program mentor opened the door to research and implementation of these concepts in the HR work environment. Participants had the opportunity to engage in active discussions based on the ability to understand themselves, their own feelings, and those around them. We touched on various ways to talk to employees, understand them and, ultimately, identify with them. These are the fundamental building blocks of a quality relationship that creates fluidity - we could say "flow" or the enthusiasm we achieve at work - which improves productivity and the feeling of belonging, and with this we are well on our way to achieves true satisfaction.

Even though new staff, especially young HR professionals, bring a fresh perspective and enthusiasm, they often face gaps in knowledge and experience that need to be filled quickly. The HR Starter program delves into their initial steps, approaches, key challenges they face and, by sharing best practices, helps them overcome obstacles and build a successful career in HR. At the same time, practice requires not only the use of learned techniques, but also quick response and adaptation to specific cultures and dynamics of work environments.

The transition from theoretical learning to practical implementation is a common obstacle faced by newcomers to the HR world. Books and study materials cannot fully prepare us for the complexity of human interactions. Therefore, learning on the job, support from a mentor and constant adaptation are key factors that help overcome initial challenges.

One of the key challenges in HR departments is connecting with employees and understanding their needs. An approach based on empathy and open communication establishes better relationships and greater trust between employees and the HR department. With the help of feedback, individual interviews, and anonymous surveys, they can better understand the challenges faced by employees and adapt strategies to improve their satisfaction and productivity, which in turn improves the organizational climate.

HR Starter mentors and lecturers from successful companies offer valuable advice, share their experiences, and help newcomers understand the complexities of HR management. This year, they pointed out that the leader of modern times is sustainably oriented, which means that he knows how to “uncover” talent in people, help them overcome obstacles, and at the same time helps them progress and develop.

The program participants also tackled group projects, which offer excellent insight and introduction to the practical work of an HR specialist, which enables theoretical knowledge to be transferred into practice, while at the same time meeting challenges that are typical of the work environment.

The weekly mentoring meetings were enriched with group assignments that dealt with various aspects of staffing, such as recruitment empowerment, candidate interviews, the onboarding process, offboarding employees and other important processes within the company. The tasks required a particularly detailed insight into the practical aspects of personnel work and group preparation of presentations on certain topics. The groups were composed of members with diverse personalities, experiences, knowledge, and perspectives, which enabled a holistic and in-depth approach to the topics discussed. This diversity enabled a comprehensive and thorough review of the issues discussed and contributed to creative, more thoughtful, and innovative solutions and conclusions. Thus, the discussions were more intense and fruitful, as different approaches, creative ideas, previous experiences, and perspectives were intertwined in the groups. This has additionally equipped us with competencies that are key to success in the dynamic and complex environment of the modern HR sector. This diversity was key to enriching the learning process, allowing for more in-depth discussions, and encouraging creative problem-solving.

The program offered added value through education and communication in English, which enabled participants to improve their language skills. In addition, group presentations on selected topics were in English, which further strengthened professional competence and self-confidence in using a foreign language.

The certificate we received at the end of the program is an excellent passport for anyone who wants to continue their career path in the world of human resources, as it is a confirmation of the acquired knowledge and skills that are crucial for success in this field. It is not just a formal document, but a symbol of effort and dedication, and a confirmation that we are ready for the challenges that work in the HR profession brings.

I believe that the program raises the level of knowledge and skills of students, young graduates and masters for a future career in the HR field in modern working conditions.

I would look back on this program experience with the thought that one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves is the ability to learn from the experiences of others. It is the key that unlocks the door to our potential and directs us to extraordinary achievements.

Klara Nemec, HR Starter 2024 participant

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