We are all different. We feel differently, we perceive daily events and challenges differently, and we handle them in our own unique ways. This is not only influenced by our personality and what has shaped us up to now, but also by what we carry in our subconscious. Did you know that 90% of our personality is hidden? Moreover, some traits are influenced by environmental factors in which a person grew up, as well as generational characteristics.
New generations constantly demand new and different leadership approaches because each generation holds different values.
Employees are always observing you as a leader. That is why leaders are the ones who set the tone and energy within a company. A positive attitude, enthusiasm, transparent communication, and open dialogue are essential leadership traits. You must lead with your heart. Those who do so are often highly respected leaders. Employees look up to them, which means they change their habits and adapt to the culture shaped by a good leader.
In essence, such leaders create a work environment where people enjoy being, where they are happy to come, and where their stress levels from work are reduced by more than half. Therefore, a leader's unwavering belief in their employees, trust in them, and confidence in their abilities are essential. A heart-driven leader must help their team thrive and succeed because only then will employees give their best and unlock their full potential. To achieve this, it is crucial to know your employees well, talk to them, and even spend time with them socially.
Such leaders naturally attract more talented employees—positive individuals who happily perform their work, think outside the box, and thus excel. Remember, we never accomplish anything alone. Every achievement is the result of teamwork and collaboration with other stakeholders in the process. Therefore, our relationships are by far the most important. We are always part of something greater, and we are all interconnected.
Here are two examples of leadership and leaders.
In a large company, there was a director who expected all employees to arrive at work earlier than him and leave later. He barely communicated with them. His leadership style was authoritarian. You can probably guess the outcome of such leadership and (non-)collaboration with the team, which was virtually non-existent: high employee turnover, almost no creativity, employees who didn’t think for themselves and worked like “robots” following orders. They were unhappy, often doing only what was explicitly instructed, fearing they might make a mistake if they went beyond. They went to work bitter, more stressed than employees from other departments, and more frequently on sick leave.
In another company, the leader arrived every morning full of energy and optimism, greeted each employee personally, and exchanged a few words with them. His energy had such a strong impact on the environment that everyone immediately felt uplifted. He discussed ideas and challenges with his employees, encouraged ongoing processes, and motivated them to express their opinions. In short, he recognized the added value within his team and the potential of his employees. During tough times, he offered help and sought answers and solutions alongside them. In short, he was one of them. He was honest. He was human. A colleague. He led with heart. Through his energy, which he directly shared with his employees, he brought out the best in them: he awakened their creativity, enthusiasm, commitment, motivation, and productivity. He was a coach to his employees. The desire and strength of such leaders are evident in their words, their way of communication, and the energy they radiate. Whenever he advertised a vacancy in his department, he received a flood of applications from people eager to work with his team.
According to research, as much as 30% of a company’s revenue, growth, and profitability depends on the atmosphere within the company or department, as leaders inspire or demoralize others. Leaders today must take good care of their people so that they, in turn, can take good care of business.
We are, at our core, energy beings. Our thoughts manifest energy with magnetic attraction and spread like a virus. It is no coincidence, as many books claim; it is absolutely true. Thoughts awaken vibrations in the minds of others. If a person is dissatisfied, they emit that vibration, which can drag down or "pull along" the entire team. This happens through mirror neurons. Think of the example where you imagine someone biting into a lemon—you’ll likely feel more saliva in your mouth and the sour taste. Similarly, one dissatisfied person can bring down an entire team, especially if they have a strong personality or hold a higher position. That is why leaders have the strongest influence on their employees.
A leader who leads with heart indirectly ensures the happiness of their employees, as only satisfied employees can be successful. A study by the University of Warwick in the UK found that happy and satisfied employees can boost sales by as much as 37%, increase productivity by 31%, and improve accuracy by 19%. They work better in teams, are less absent, are healthier, and take better care of customers and business partners.
Next time you step into your office and join your team, remember these words and try to follow them. You’ll notice changes almost immediately, and I’m confident they will be very positive, making your team more successful than ever.